Bienvenido a este espacio de reflexiones influenciadas, pensamientos prestados y desvaríos varios donde compartiré, con quien quiera leerme, algunas de mis inquietudes (solo las confesables). ¡Es un placer desconocerte!
martes, 28 de febrero de 2012
miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012
sábado, 18 de febrero de 2012
OK GO, Needing/Getting
I've been waiting for months, waiting for years, waiting for you to change.
Aw, but there ain't much that's dumber, there ain't much that's dumber
than pinning your hopes on a change in another.
And I, yeah I still need you, but what good's that gonna do?
Needing is one thing, and getting, getting's another.
So I been sitting around, wasting my time,
wondering what you've been doing.
Aw, and it ain't real forgiving, it ain't real forgiving
sitting here picturing someone else living.
And I, yeah I still need you, but what good's that gonna do?
Needing is one thing, and getting, getting's another.
I've been hoping for months, hoping for years, hoping I might forget.
Aw, but it don't get much dumber, it don't get much dumber
than trying to forget a girl when you love her.
And I, yeah I still need you, but what good's that gonna do?
Needing is one thing, and getting, getting's another.
When? When? Why not now? Why not me? Why not me?
viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012
Artículo de Martin Lindstrom publicado en la revista "Fast Company":
The Future Of Ethics In Branding
Last year, I received an email I will never forget: One of the world’s tobacco giants wanted me to consult for them. It’s not that I’m a stranger to requests from the tobacco industry. In fact, ever since I published Buyology in 2008, my email address appears to be on every tobacco executive’s Rolodex. You see, among other things, the book addressed the issue of how the use of subliminal advertising in the industry was successfully getting smokers to smoke more. The fallout was spectacular, culminating in Philip Morris being forced to withdraw their $100 million sponsorship of Formula 1. After this, you would imagine the tobacco industry would not want anything to do with me. Surprisingly, they actually wanted to know more. That was the nature of the email in question.
The email started off quite diplomatically, requesting I consult with them. Nothing out of the ordinary. The ending, however, left me dumbstruck. Like something out of a science fiction novel, the tobacco giant wanted six months of my service. The inducements were mind-boggling. They would pay me a fee that would propel me into a very comfortable, early retirement. Not a bad thought for a hardworking man in his 30s. The scope of the offer took my breath away. I had to sit down and take stock. My mother has smoked since she was 15, and I grew up hearing her coughing and wheezing through the long winter months. My mother-in-law, also a lifelong smoker, had only just recently died from a smoking-related illness. So, after much deliberation and consideration, I felt I had little choice but to decline.
But when my friends and family came to learn of this lucrative offer, they thought I’d made a big mistake. My own family thought me to be a little ridiculous turning down an offer that would guarantee lifelong security for a mere six months’ work. I began feeling twinges of regret. Was I too quick to say no? At the time, my doubt was painful and all-consuming. For hours on end I pondered the questions: Should I? Could I? Maybe...
As you can imagine, this was not an easy time. However, one year on, I’m convinced I did the right thing. More importantly, it forced me to think about the ethics of the advertising industry in ways I’d never done before.
As a brand guy who’s worked in advertising all my life, I’ve seen my fair share of ethical issues. To be frank, ethics and advertising don’t go together all that well. They are not exactly on first name terms. Pick up the phone and call any advertising agency anywhere, and ask them about their ethical guidelines. Chances are you’ll be met with an embarrassing silence. In the same way that there are few schools you can go to to learn advertising, there are even fewer where you can learn the ethics of advertising. Training for a career in advertising commonly happens on the job, and the ethical guidelines are filed away somewhere in legal departments’ archived rules and restrictions.
As a brand futurist, an important function in my role is to predict the future for whatever industry I’m addressing. In 2003, I wrote the book BRANDchild, in which I predicted that every kid would become a personal brand. Each would have his own homepage which would act as a promotional hub promoting the child's brand to the entire world. A bit like "I have a homepage, therefore I am." Facebook, the social networking site, was launched in 2004. In 2005, I wrote BRANDsense. In it I predicted that every brand would harness senses other than sight and sound. Today, it’s estimated that two-thirds percent of the world’s Fortune 1000 brands include a multisensory platform in their brand strategy.
My prediction for 2012 is a rise in the importance of ethics. I foresee a kind of WikiLeaks emerging to tackle the maneuvrings of less-ethical brands. The move will come from an independent organization with the sole mission of disclosing what those companies are up to. Most companies will be vulnerable to being targeted, despite having some sort of written standards. You see, in most cases, the small print is far too complex and removed from consumers’ daily reality. The safety net as designed will hardly save a soul.
So how would one go about establishing a true safeguard? As I said, I’m a brand guy who's worked in advertising for ages. So I’m not necessarily the right person to ask. Maybe we should ask the people most affected: the consumers. Last year, I began a study of 2,000 consumers in which I asked for their ethical perspectives. Their advice proved invaluable. We would be wise to take note of it:
•Don’t do anything to kids and consumers that you would not do to your own children, friends, and family.
•Every time you launch a campaign, a new product, or a service, secure an "ethical" sign-off from your target group. Develop your own independent consumer panel (a representative target audience) and disclose the perception of the product, as well as the reality. Let the consumers make the final call.
•Align perception with reality. Your talents might very well lie in brilliantly creating convincing perceptions, but how do they stack up against the reality? If there’s a mismatch, one or the other must be adjusted in order for them to be in sync.
•Be 100% transparent. Nothing less. The consumer needs to know what you know about them. Furthermore, they must be told exactly how you intend to use the information. If they don’t like what they see, they need a fair and easy way to opt out.
•Almost any product or service has a downside, so don’t hide it. Tell it as it is. Be open and frank, and communicate the negatives in a simple and straightforward way.
•All your endorsements and testimonials must be real--don’t fake them.
•Does your product have a built-in expiration date? If so, be open about it and communicate it in a visible, clear, and easily understood manner.
•Avoid fueling peer pressure among kids. Bear in mind you’d hate for your kids to come under such pressure.
•Be open and transparent about the environmental impact of your brand (including its carbon footprint and sustainability factors).
•Do not hide or over-complicate any legal language you must place in your ads or on your packaging. These should be treated just like any other commercial message, using a simple, easy-to-understand language.
My advice: The smart brand players out there should spend the next few years cleaning up their house. Honestly, you won’t find it that difficult. Furthermore, you won’t be forced to reject an offer that could fast track you to retirement. The worst thing that can happen is you’ll sleep better at night. Not a bad proposition, I’m sure you’d agree.
The Future Of Ethics In Branding
Last year, I received an email I will never forget: One of the world’s tobacco giants wanted me to consult for them. It’s not that I’m a stranger to requests from the tobacco industry. In fact, ever since I published Buyology in 2008, my email address appears to be on every tobacco executive’s Rolodex. You see, among other things, the book addressed the issue of how the use of subliminal advertising in the industry was successfully getting smokers to smoke more. The fallout was spectacular, culminating in Philip Morris being forced to withdraw their $100 million sponsorship of Formula 1. After this, you would imagine the tobacco industry would not want anything to do with me. Surprisingly, they actually wanted to know more. That was the nature of the email in question.
The email started off quite diplomatically, requesting I consult with them. Nothing out of the ordinary. The ending, however, left me dumbstruck. Like something out of a science fiction novel, the tobacco giant wanted six months of my service. The inducements were mind-boggling. They would pay me a fee that would propel me into a very comfortable, early retirement. Not a bad thought for a hardworking man in his 30s. The scope of the offer took my breath away. I had to sit down and take stock. My mother has smoked since she was 15, and I grew up hearing her coughing and wheezing through the long winter months. My mother-in-law, also a lifelong smoker, had only just recently died from a smoking-related illness. So, after much deliberation and consideration, I felt I had little choice but to decline.
But when my friends and family came to learn of this lucrative offer, they thought I’d made a big mistake. My own family thought me to be a little ridiculous turning down an offer that would guarantee lifelong security for a mere six months’ work. I began feeling twinges of regret. Was I too quick to say no? At the time, my doubt was painful and all-consuming. For hours on end I pondered the questions: Should I? Could I? Maybe...
As you can imagine, this was not an easy time. However, one year on, I’m convinced I did the right thing. More importantly, it forced me to think about the ethics of the advertising industry in ways I’d never done before.
As a brand guy who’s worked in advertising all my life, I’ve seen my fair share of ethical issues. To be frank, ethics and advertising don’t go together all that well. They are not exactly on first name terms. Pick up the phone and call any advertising agency anywhere, and ask them about their ethical guidelines. Chances are you’ll be met with an embarrassing silence. In the same way that there are few schools you can go to to learn advertising, there are even fewer where you can learn the ethics of advertising. Training for a career in advertising commonly happens on the job, and the ethical guidelines are filed away somewhere in legal departments’ archived rules and restrictions.
As a brand futurist, an important function in my role is to predict the future for whatever industry I’m addressing. In 2003, I wrote the book BRANDchild, in which I predicted that every kid would become a personal brand. Each would have his own homepage which would act as a promotional hub promoting the child's brand to the entire world. A bit like "I have a homepage, therefore I am." Facebook, the social networking site, was launched in 2004. In 2005, I wrote BRANDsense. In it I predicted that every brand would harness senses other than sight and sound. Today, it’s estimated that two-thirds percent of the world’s Fortune 1000 brands include a multisensory platform in their brand strategy.
My prediction for 2012 is a rise in the importance of ethics. I foresee a kind of WikiLeaks emerging to tackle the maneuvrings of less-ethical brands. The move will come from an independent organization with the sole mission of disclosing what those companies are up to. Most companies will be vulnerable to being targeted, despite having some sort of written standards. You see, in most cases, the small print is far too complex and removed from consumers’ daily reality. The safety net as designed will hardly save a soul.
So how would one go about establishing a true safeguard? As I said, I’m a brand guy who's worked in advertising for ages. So I’m not necessarily the right person to ask. Maybe we should ask the people most affected: the consumers. Last year, I began a study of 2,000 consumers in which I asked for their ethical perspectives. Their advice proved invaluable. We would be wise to take note of it:
•Don’t do anything to kids and consumers that you would not do to your own children, friends, and family.
•Every time you launch a campaign, a new product, or a service, secure an "ethical" sign-off from your target group. Develop your own independent consumer panel (a representative target audience) and disclose the perception of the product, as well as the reality. Let the consumers make the final call.
•Align perception with reality. Your talents might very well lie in brilliantly creating convincing perceptions, but how do they stack up against the reality? If there’s a mismatch, one or the other must be adjusted in order for them to be in sync.
•Be 100% transparent. Nothing less. The consumer needs to know what you know about them. Furthermore, they must be told exactly how you intend to use the information. If they don’t like what they see, they need a fair and easy way to opt out.
•Almost any product or service has a downside, so don’t hide it. Tell it as it is. Be open and frank, and communicate the negatives in a simple and straightforward way.
•All your endorsements and testimonials must be real--don’t fake them.
•Does your product have a built-in expiration date? If so, be open about it and communicate it in a visible, clear, and easily understood manner.
•Avoid fueling peer pressure among kids. Bear in mind you’d hate for your kids to come under such pressure.
•Be open and transparent about the environmental impact of your brand (including its carbon footprint and sustainability factors).
•Do not hide or over-complicate any legal language you must place in your ads or on your packaging. These should be treated just like any other commercial message, using a simple, easy-to-understand language.
My advice: The smart brand players out there should spend the next few years cleaning up their house. Honestly, you won’t find it that difficult. Furthermore, you won’t be forced to reject an offer that could fast track you to retirement. The worst thing that can happen is you’ll sleep better at night. Not a bad proposition, I’m sure you’d agree.
sábado, 4 de febrero de 2012
Internet es una fuente de inspiración e ideas enorme... De entre la cantidad de información que circula por la red, se pueden encontrar propuestas verdaderamente ingeniosas. Puede que mientras a ti se te esté ocurriendo algo, haya alguien en algún otro punto remoto del planeta que ya lo esté haciendo y si decide compartirlo podrá nutrirte de una base para tú generar nuevas alternativas y así hasta que uno se canse...
Hace poco fui al cine y está carísimo. Elegir la película que quieres ver se convierte realmente en una inversión importante... ¡Qué son ya 8,20 euros el fin de semana! Y eso si la ves en "plan pobre", en 2D, como quieras verla "como Dios manda", en 3D, ya se te va como mínimo a los 10€... ¡Ah, y olvídate de tomarte nada mientras ves la peli! Que como te dé por comer o beber algo, pongamos que un refresco y unas palomitas, por ejemplo, pues a lo mejor son otros 14€...
A mi me encantaba (¿me sigue encantando?) ir al cine y todo lo que rodeaba la "experiencia". Así que como decía antes, si me voy a gastar semejates cifras en disfrutar de una película, que mínimo que además de entretenerme sea una película que merezca la pena... pero... ¡y cómo saberlo si todavía no la he visto!
Bueno, gracias a la publicidad que se hace de los films podemos hacernos una idea aproximada de lo que podríamos encontrarnos luego en la pantalla gigante. ¡¿Sí, seguro?! Pensemos un poco... las películas son productos de cine ¿no? ¿Has visto a algún vendedor que hable mal de su producto...? Los trailers parecen todos siempre espectaculares, el reparto suele incluir a alguna estrella de Hollywood y los carteles... ¡ay, los carteles!
Todos incluyen referencias a premios a los que están nominadas las películas en cuestión, "el mejor papel de la carrera de fulanito", "una historia tremenda, magnífica, apoteósica y supercalifrajilisticoespialidosa", etc., etc., etc.
Antes existían críticos de cine (independientes) que realmente ponían a caldo a las películas malas y a las buenas las alababan con cautela a la espera de la aceptación popular. Ahora, en medio de un mundo dominado por intereses de todo tipo menos racionales, ya no te puedes fiar ni de tu sombra.
Mi última experiencia: "Los descendientes". Ojalá hubiera visto este cartel a tiempo:

Si los posters de las películas dijeran la verdad... otro gallo iría a ver esa película...
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Hace poco fui al cine y está carísimo. Elegir la película que quieres ver se convierte realmente en una inversión importante... ¡Qué son ya 8,20 euros el fin de semana! Y eso si la ves en "plan pobre", en 2D, como quieras verla "como Dios manda", en 3D, ya se te va como mínimo a los 10€... ¡Ah, y olvídate de tomarte nada mientras ves la peli! Que como te dé por comer o beber algo, pongamos que un refresco y unas palomitas, por ejemplo, pues a lo mejor son otros 14€...
A mi me encantaba (¿me sigue encantando?) ir al cine y todo lo que rodeaba la "experiencia". Así que como decía antes, si me voy a gastar semejates cifras en disfrutar de una película, que mínimo que además de entretenerme sea una película que merezca la pena... pero... ¡y cómo saberlo si todavía no la he visto!
Bueno, gracias a la publicidad que se hace de los films podemos hacernos una idea aproximada de lo que podríamos encontrarnos luego en la pantalla gigante. ¡¿Sí, seguro?! Pensemos un poco... las películas son productos de cine ¿no? ¿Has visto a algún vendedor que hable mal de su producto...? Los trailers parecen todos siempre espectaculares, el reparto suele incluir a alguna estrella de Hollywood y los carteles... ¡ay, los carteles!
Todos incluyen referencias a premios a los que están nominadas las películas en cuestión, "el mejor papel de la carrera de fulanito", "una historia tremenda, magnífica, apoteósica y supercalifrajilisticoespialidosa", etc., etc., etc.
Antes existían críticos de cine (independientes) que realmente ponían a caldo a las películas malas y a las buenas las alababan con cautela a la espera de la aceptación popular. Ahora, en medio de un mundo dominado por intereses de todo tipo menos racionales, ya no te puedes fiar ni de tu sombra.
Mi última experiencia: "Los descendientes". Ojalá hubiera visto este cartel a tiempo:

Si los posters de las películas dijeran la verdad... otro gallo iría a ver esa película...
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